Spiritual Mentoring
At Cultivating Sanctuary, we equip you to create space for a renewing, abundant life so you can be well—even in the midst of life’s disruptions.
Spiritual Mentoring is a process of guided conversation and listening where we partner to notice the work of the Holy Spirit in your life and listen together for the guidance and nudging of the Spirit in daily life.
Whether you are in a season of disruption or discernment, or you are feeling stuck, worn out, or longing for a deeper connection with God, Spiritual Mentoring provides a Spirit-guided way forward.
What is Spiritual Mentoring?
In Spiritual Mentoring, my role as the mentor is to listen, be a non-judgmental presence, ask questions, reflect back, offer insights and guidance, challenge you by speaking the truth in love as appropriate, encourage and pray for you. I will maintain confidentiality.
In Spiritual Mentoring, your role as the client is to let your journey be your journey; share as you feel moved; honor silence when needed; notice feelings, impulses, joys and fears, and what’s happening in your body.
Together, we enter in a spirit of humility—trusting God’s Spirit is present and moving and desires well-being and abundant, connected life for you.
Typically, we ask clients to begin by committing to six months of Spiritual Mentoring with two 45-minute sessions per month. This timing and frequency allows us to get to know each other and gain momentum in our work together more quickly.
The best way to find out if Spiritual Mentoring is right for you is to sign up for a free 25-minute exploratory conversation with Jeanne.
How does Spiritual Mentoring work?
The short answer is no. Our work is rooted in a theological perspective that claims each us of us created by and beloved of our God that we know most clearly through the teaching and forgiving, renewing love of Jesus and the movement of the Holy Spirit in and through our lives. That being said, we meet you where you are. If you are exploring faith, great. If you are reevaluating some of the beliefs you’ve held, great—we can do that together. If you are uncertain about faith or carry baggage or wounds from your religious upbringing, we will walk gently together. The process of listening and guiding is the same. We simply adapt our language to fit your journey.